¡Hola! Students in Senora's Spanish class are working on acquiring the language through a variety of activities including games, conversations, and reading.Throughout the first term, they have been focusing on topics like greetings, hobbies, likes and dislikes, as well as other foundational language skills. The students love being competitive and have found enjoyment in games that have them running against the clock!Over the last month, our upper grades were introduced to a cultural component of the language through learning about “Hispanic Heritage Month”. The children were exposed to music, artists, and scenery and more, from native Spanish speaking countries to give them a look into how the language works in context.Some of our students take part in a Spanish immersion program and have a more personalized approach to building their native language, a major focus of which is reading! Throughout the year Senora will continue to build on their skills to help them improve in the Spanish language.