Blog by Mrs. Klare Fielding, Music Teacher
I want to be a Recorder Karate Sensei!
This term the Grade 3 and Grade 4 children have been participating in 'Recorder Karate' with our dedicated Music Teacher Mrs. Klare Fielding.I think music and performing arts are a fantastic way for children to be able to express themselves and show their natural creativity.We are very excited to introduce this exciting and innovative way for pupils to learn and discover the recorder and give them the basic understating of how to read music.

What is Recorder Karate?
Recorder Karate is a self-paced recorder instruction method that teaches basic techniques used in wind instruments through nine folk songs. In addition, students learn to be musically literate and what it means to be a contributing member of an instrumental ensemble.

Our pupils will aim to progress through the various grading levels to become a Recorder Karate Sensei. They receive their Black Belt by being finally able to play "Ode To Joy" using notes D G A B C D.