On Wednesday, 6th December, students at ISTCI competed in the National Primary Tag Rugby Tournament, run by the Turks and Caicos Rugby Football Union.
The school had three teams competing (an Under 12’s team and two U9’s teams).
The U9’s competition hosted five teams, so children played in a round robin’ format, playing against every team once.
Their final game saw our two U9’s teams play against each other, making for a thrilling final match!
Both teams did an amazing job, with one group coming 2nd in the plate, whilst the other team won the cup, meaning they came first out of all the teams competing.
The Under 12’s format was slightly different, as eight teams were competing overall. This meant they played three matches in the group stages in the morning before competing in a final against a team from the other pool in the afternoon. The under-12s came out victorious in their final, making them the ‘Bowl winners’ of the day.
The silverware is an excellent bonus to a brilliant event, but our students should be most proud of the wonderful way they conducted themselves, showing excellent sportsmanship to other teams, listening well to referees and teachers, and always having respect for the rules and each other.
It was lovely to see the students be so inclusive of our two ‘honorary’ ISTCI students, who were integrated into our teams as they were the only ones who had turned up to compete for their schools. It is a testament to the kindness of our students and how completely those two children were made to feel like they were a part of our ISTCI community.
We would like to thank our staff for getting the students ready for the event, and an even bigger thank you to those parents who were able to come down and cheer on ISTCI on the day. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Bring on next year!