Grade 2's focus poem in the past couple of weeks has been Kit Wright's ‘The Magic Box’. This poem is about all the creative and wonderful things the poet dreams of putting into a magic box.
Grade 2 listened and read the poem:
Throughout the unit, which was completed fully online using G Suite for Education, the students learnt how to use figurative language such as alliteration and similes.
They learnt how to use expanded noun phrases to make their writing descriptive and interesting.
The children thought up amazing ideas of what they would include in their very own magic boxes.
Also, they brainstormed ideas about what their boxes would be made of - including the corners and hinges!
Grade 2 innovated their own "Magic Box" poems using what they had learnt throughout the unit. They surely have not let our campus' closure stop them from being great!
Mrs. Amachee thanks Grade 2's parents for helping with the uploading of their final pieces and for all of their support during the transition to virtual learning.
Keep up the awesome work, Grade 2!